But I figured I should start doing updates more often on what is going on in my life. Most of you are my friends and family on Facebook so you kinda can follow along when you read my status updates and see where my family is going, and just some of our funner at home days. But one of my good friends does a weekly blog and just updates and puts up pictures of what is going on/happened that week And I really adore reading her blogs!! So probably not the rest of this year as you will get plenty of updates with our traveling as long as I sit down and get them written lol!!
As you all know I love making lists and I am ready to start making my resolutions for 2015. I love having a list of goals, written down, and working towards them. 2015 is going to be a really exciting one with a new arrival, a new house, and really hopefully getting my photography business up and going. That is if I manage to get a new camera I love and all the paperwork etc. done.
Speaking of camera's looks like I will be opening up my savings jar ( money I have earned from donations from shoots, and selling things around the house) earlier than I would like to. I was saving up for a new laptop to do homework and edits on, but this past weekend our car was yet again broken into....Maybe its time to trade the piecer in since its obviously a target. And they stole another Ipod, Dustin's cheap azz phone, and my camera. I am most heart broken by the fact they took my camera because I had a 36g memory card in it with TONS of pictures :( and I don't upload them onto a computer because we share a computer now, and I don't wanna use up all the storage space. So a few months of pictures (luckly most have been uploaded onto facebook) are gone.
So on another entirely different note. My Pregnancy has been going well. I won't say it has been going fast as I feel like I have been pregnant forever!! And still have 14 weeks, maybe a little less depending on when the Doctor wants the baby to come :D But that means we still have to get through the holidays and most of January, which is forever. Good thing it always goes fast!
And as you guys all know I have been continuing my school. I just finished another semester and took Digital Media and Society. I honestly didn't enjoy the class at all and I am so glad to be over with it. I will probably wait no until we are in Texas and see if I can find a school with better on campus hours, or that has more classes available online so I can continue. Don't have too many classes left before I am done with my Associates for Entrepreneurship!