Thursday, March 13, 2014

Trier Germany

I always try to get my posts out in a timely manner, but than I get behind and post them well weeks later!! But you still get to see them so I think it's still working out!! I love writing and sharing our adventures for you to enjoy and for us to remember years down the road!!

So a couple weeks ago Dustin, Kyra and I went to Trier, Germany. It is one of the oldest towns in Germany founded in 16 bc and even has ruins from the Roman era.

We visited one of these said ruins it was an Imperial Bath. It was really cool to run around in the underground hall ways and to see a structure that has survived the elements for so long.

If you follow this link: Imperial Bath you can read even more about how the structure was used so many years ago.

After the baths we found our way to the Palace of Trier. It was such a pretty structure and I really enjoyed all of the white statues found all around both the front gardens and the pond just to the right. Along with the beautiful gold details all over the building!!

We saw a few other random things along the way. Including a couple feet statues, lots of pidgins and an owl on a wall!!

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