Friday, December 25, 2015

Resolutions 2016 and 2015 review

Wow, I am so very sure that each year goes by faster and faster, and each year I'm busier too!! December sure went out with a bang and really has me thinking. I love to sit down and set goals and plan out my year so I know I am always moving forward and upward!! I swear I get more ambitious each year! 

With that being said let's take a quick review of last years resolutions, and see where we are now...

Give Birth to a Happy Healthy baby Boy. At 11 lbs I would say that mission was accomplished!

Blog 3x a week: I will admit this one slowly dwindled towards the end of the year when we went on vacation for a month, and then got back and life got hectic!!

Get back in Shape. Now I am not a fitness model, but I feel much more comfortable in my skin then I did this time last year!! And that makes me happy!!

Move and settle into Texas. Took a while, but I really like all the new friends I am making, and have finally got my Photography really going strong now!! 

Do 24 shoots. This one has been accomplished with 28 sessions this year!! Which is phenomenal considering I only worked like 6 months!! Feeling very proud of this!!

Have a substantial Savings by December. With an international move, and tons of other unexpected purchases this one unfortunately is not where we want it to be!

52 week Challenge. I quit the one I had started early into the year, just had too much going on with a new born and a big move.

Get organized and declutter. As usual this one is always on my list and each year I get something else organized to a point it stays that way....but I have yet to figure out the solution to the whole is to next year lol!!

2015 has been quite the year for our little squad!! We finally got to meet Darren and have fallen madly in love!! We moved across the entire world!! And I got Moment in Paradise photography turned into an official business!! Although I didn't fully accomplish all my resolutions I am very happy with what got done considering the big changes we have dealt with!! 

So as usual my list is long and outrageous!! And who knows what the year will bring with it, but here's to hoping these will be easy to complete!!

24 sessions.
Fix financial situation.
Keep up fitness routine.
KonMarie Method.
Read 12 books.
Get good grades.
Keep up with Blogs, and YouTube. And provide some new content.
Do a catch up day once a month.

Stay tuned for updates as the year progresses!! Hopefully it will be a successful year!!

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