Monday, October 3, 2016

9 months passed!

So I haven't checked in, heck I haven't blogged much period for months!! But I thought it might be time to see where I am on my resolutions, so I can step it up where I need to!! 

24 sessions- Well I don't even have a count right now of how many sessions I have done this year, but well past the 24 mark!!

Fix financial situation. I am not really sure what my goal was with this, but we are still adding to savings as we go, and trying to watch our spending while we can!!

Keep up fitness routine. Haha well I was doing good with this, I swear I try to keep up with it like I should, but reality is with school, and work etc....I just need more time!!

KonMarie Method. I never fully finished this. I think I will get back into it after classes are over, because next year is going to be a big change for us!!

Read 12 books. Also don't know the count on this one either, but really do need to read more, ugh school kills all my time!!

Get good grades. Well this one is for sure a thing. As you can see above that other goals have been sliding but I have been working hard on school!!

Keep up with Blogs, and YouTube. And provide some new content. Uh....yeah

Do a catch up day once a month. I wish I had done this one more!! 

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