Friday, May 19, 2017

Kyra is 5....well has been for a few months.

Nicknames: Kyra-Bug, Buggy.

Clothing Size: 5 pants, and 6 tops and dresses

Personality: You are the greatest. You have won many awards at school showing just how great of a person you are growing up to be. I love watching you put on shows, and knowing that performing is your passion. You amaze me. You care about your brother and show him all the great things you already know. I love having you around to help me out whenever I need you and hope we always stay close!

Things I Could Do Without: You refusing to go to bed at night. 1-2 times out of the room I can handle. Staying up hours past your bedtime makes me nuts!!

Item/Toy We Love The Most: School books, I love seeing you learn to read more and more each time you read them. You are so smart.

Item/Toy You Love The Most: Princess Dolls. You can sit and play for hours, and tell the greatest stories. I love that you know all their names and stories.

Things I’m Loving Most Right Now:Watching you grow up, and hearing all the amazing stories you come up with. Your imagination is a beautiful thing!!!

Things You’re Loving Most Right Now: Going on adventures, swimming, playing dolls and ponies, and making and playing with your friends!!

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